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Orléans South-Navan Community Update | October 11th 2024

Writer's picture: Catherine KittsCatherine Kitts

Councillor's Message

The first two weeks of October have been nothing but beautiful weather-wise, and as always, I've been keeping busy. Highlights include celebrating Station 71’s 75th Anniversary with their annual pancake breakfast and then heading over to Navan Community Association’s Fall Fest. It’s always a pleasure to connect with so many of you at these events and enjoy the warmth of our community as the cold weather starts to move in.

On the city front, it’s been busy with ongoing committee meetings and two important technical briefings. The first was on the testing phase for Line 2 and Line 4 of the LRT, which is welcome news. The second was regarding the new urban and village boundary expansion application process, which I am concerned about. You can read more about my thoughts in recent articles from the Ottawa Citizen and CBC Ottawa.

Finally, I continue to receive your valuable feedback on the budget, and I’m eager to hear more. Below are the set dates, times, and locations for our rural and east-end budget consultations. Your input is crucial as we work towards a balanced budget that reflects the needs of our community.

This weekend is Thanksgiving, and I hope you all have a wonderful time filled with family, friends, and food! Also please spare a thought for our hard-working farmers who are in the midst of harvesting season. Without their dedication, our plates would be empty!

To those observing Yom Kippur, I send my warmest wishes for an easy fast and a fulfilling year ahead. G'mar Chatima Tova. 

While it’s a time of celebration for many, I want to acknowledge it’s also been a somber week as we reflect on the events that have unfolded in the past year in the Middle East. My heart continues to go out to all those impacted by the ongoing conflict. If you or someone you know needs extra support, Ottawa Public Health has a list of mental health resources available here.

For anyone who interacted with my office over these past few weeks, I wanted to thank you for your patience as we worked to fill a vacancy on our team. I have an incredible team of staff that work hard every day to serve you based on our office values of being accessible, responsive, and empathetic to your daily queries. Together, we tackle big and small challenges to improve life in our community. I am lucky to have such dedicated individuals working by my side.

Finally, I wanted to note that last Saturday marked my fourth anniversary of serving as your Councillor! It is an absolute privilege to represent the vibrant communities of Orléans South-Navan. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone for your unwavering support in making our community a better place. I look forward to continuing to serve and collaborate with you in the years to come.

With gratitude,

Traffic impacts on Navan Road: October 7-18

Traffic impacts on Navan Road continue until Friday, October 18, Navan Road (0.01km east of Mer-Bleue Road) will be reduced to one lane, controlled by flaggers, during off-peak hours due to culvert work. Traffic impacts will be localized to the culvert area.

The eastbound bus stop at the Navan and Mer-Bleue intersection will be temporarily relocated about 40 meters west to accommodate traffic control, in coordination with OC Transpo

This almost marks the end of the annual major culvert program, during which eight culverts were replaced across the ward. I want to thank you for your patience while crews worked.

We had previously shared that this work would be taking place earlier this month, but the work was rescheduled due to urgent repairs needed elsewhere in the city. I appreciate your patience.

Overnight work for Glenview subdivision servicing on October 17

City crews will be performing only one night of work on Thursday, October 17, to complete the final tie-in for the Innes Road watermain as part of Glenview’s subdivision servicing.

The work will take place at the intersection of Innes Road and the Halo Car Wash/U-Haul, beginning at 6 p.m. to avoid peak traffic impacts. This overnight schedule is necessary because the work area cannot be safely plated, and closing a lane during peak rush hour is not feasible.

Please note, there will be no hoe-ramming or drilling during overnight work, and traffic control officers will be on-site to direct vehicles through the lane closures.

Thank you for your patience while this work takes place.

Update on Beckett's Creek Bridge Rehabilitation Project

The structural rehabilitation on Wilhaven Drive is in its final stages but has been delayed due to unforeseen conditions. Staff are working closely with the contractor, including weekend work, to speed things up. The road, originally set to reopen in October, is now expected by the end of November 2024.

For any concerns or questions, please directly email the project manager Matthew Raymond at

I apologize for the inconvenience.

Road closure on Enclave Walk

In order to service new homes currently under construction, the private developer building on Enclave Walk is required to install sanitary and water pipes.

To do this work, the developer is required to close the road to facilitate the work. As a result, Enclave Walk from Pin Cherry Grove to Compass Street will be closed from Monday, November 4 to Friday, November 18.

Local access for residents within the road closure will be maintained.

For any comments, questions, or concerns, please call Kane Construction Group directly at 613-258-7045.

174 Eastbound closure between Trim Road and Champlain Street next weekend

Stage 2 will be performing a full closure of Highway 174 eastbound between Trim Road and Champlain Street over the weekend of October 18-21 while crews perform final lift asphalt shoulder paving.

The closures will be put in place at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, October 18 and will be lifted by 5:30 a.m. on Monday, October 21. A signed detour will be in place.

Please note: it's not uncommon for Stage 2 to change their plans at the last minute. You can get up to date information about major traffic impacts here:

2025 Budget: Rural Consultation

On October 23, I’ll be in Manotick at the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority Centre, 3889 Rideau Valley Dr at 7 pm (doors open at 6:30) for a budget consultation focusing on rural issues with Councillors Luloff, Darouze, Kelly and Brown.

City staff will also be on hand for a presentation and to answer any questions you might have.

2025 Budget: East-End Consultation

On October 26, I’ll be co-hosting a collaborative budget consultation alongside my east-end colleagues, Councillors Luloff, Dudas, and Tierney. I invite you to join us between 12:30 and 2 pm at the Ray Friel Recreation Complex, 1585 10th Line Road, in the Fallingbrook Room.

City staff will also be present to provide a comprehensive overview of how the City Budget works and to address any questions you may have.

Register now for the 2024 Rural Summit

Registration is open for the 2024 Rural Summit. Join us on Saturday, November 2 at Sir Robert Borden High School at 131 Greenbank Road.

The Rural Summit is a unique opportunity for rural residents to engage directly with members of City Council to hear how the input received from across rural Ottawa will shape the issues that matter most to rural communities. The goal is to improve the City’s delivery of programs, services, and investments for residents of Ottawa’s rural communities. The day includes refreshments/catered lunch, a keynote address from Mayor Sutcliffe, and discussion on key topics, such as: 

  • Transportation and infrastructure

  • Environment and agriculture

  • Community and social services

  • Planning and economic development

  • Governance

Register here to secure your spot at the Ottawa Rural Summit 2024.

Grand opening of école élémentaire catholique De la Découverte's outdoor classroom

I'd like to thank the school administration at école élémentaire catholique De la Découverte for inviting me to the opening of their outdoor classroom last week!

Not only is the construction of the outdoor classroom a great achievement and a fantastic asset for hands-on learning, but it is also a testament to the incredible school community that has organized many fundraising events.

I'm very excited about the students and teachers being able to use this beautiful outdoor space and congratulate them again on the success of this project.

Hosting Carleton University students at City Hall

Last week, I had the pleasure of co-hosting a Master of Journalism class from Carleton University at City Hall, alongside Councillors Gower, King, and Lo. Fun fact: we're all proud Carleton J-school alumni!

We had an awesome conversation about the intersection of journalism and politics, sharing our journeys and how we ended up where we are today. Thanks for coming to 110 Laurier!

Three-item garbage limit now in effect

As of September 30, the City’s new three-item garbage limit for curbside collection is in place. Residents can set out up to three items per collection day, which could include garbage bags, containers, or bulky items like furniture. There are no limits on recycling, green bins, or yard waste.

If you notice illegal dumping in your area, please report it to 3-1-1 so that the City’s newly hired waste inspectors can address it.

For more information and waste reduction tips, visit

Trick or Treat with the Mayor 2024

Come Trick or Treat with Mayor Mark Sutcliffe and your favourite costumed characters in the “Weird and Wonderful” Heritage Building where you will be welcomed by the Enchanted Witches and Goblins of Elgin Street! 

Collect special treats as you venture into the Ghost Chamber and down the Hall of Villains for more goodies and fun. See what’s brewing inside City Hall where you can meet your favourite, fun costumed characters in Jean Pigott Place and meet the Tooth Fairy!

The event is on Saturday, October 26 from 5:30 – 8:30 pm. For more information, please click here.

Trail running begins on O-Train South Extension

OC Transpo has informed us that trial running for the O-Train South Extension is starting on October 7, 2024. This marks the completion of construction, testing and commissioning and training of staff.

OC Transpo informed council it has incorporated all the recommendations from the Public Inquiry and the lessons learned reports from Line 1 into this project, including trial running. Trial running will allow OC Transpo, its outside experts, and the independent verifier, to ensure that the safety and reliability of the entire integrated system. Trial running will run a minimum 21-day period until the system meets the operational standards the city expects.

Residents can follow along the progress of trial running by visiting the new website that has been launched by OC Transpo. On this website you will be able to find additional helpful information on trial running and results from the daily reports. Daily reports will be shared Monday through Friday.

Following the successful completion of trial running Council will receive a full briefing on the results of trial running and the opening date. If you have additional questions, you can contact for more information..

Ottawa Public Health recommends updated COVID-19 vaccine this fall

Ottawa Public Health (OPH) is recommending that individuals receive an updated COVID-19 vaccine this fall to protect themselves against current variants. The updated KP.2 COVID-19 mRNA vaccine is expected to enhance protection against infection and severe outcomes from COVID-19. Individuals 6 months and older should get the updated COVID-19 vaccine if it has been 6 months since their last dose or confirmed COVID-19 infection. Those who haven’t been vaccinated before can also receive the updated vaccine, which is especially important for those at higher risk of severe illness.  

Initial doses of the updated COVID-19 vaccine are available for eligible individuals at increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection or severe illness due to COVID-19

For information on options available for getting your updated COVID-19 vaccine, please visit here.

Friendly reminder that ticks are still active in the fall

There are many health benefits from being active and enjoying the outdoors this fall. However, if you are in areas suitable for ticks, such as wooded areas or areas with tall grasses, then you should be aware of the risk of Lyme disease. Ottawa Public Health monitors the risks posed by ticks and provides suggestions on how to prevent Lyme disease. 

For more information about how to protect yourself from tick bites and Lyme disease, visit Ottawa Public Health.

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